A year ago (April 19th), we had dinner with the Olson's and kept joking I was going to laugh my way to labor because Erik had us rolling. (I can't even remember why, but it was funny). So, as we left Scotty P's, I noticed a full moon and joked that women go into labor when there is a full moon. Well, that night after we put Jackson to bed, I was feeling a little different. I just ignored it until the feeling started coming and going. I still wanted to ignore it, because my "planned" c-section was not scheduled for another week. Justin started timing it and I called my mom. Both decided we should go to the hospital. So, at 2:00am in the morning, my sweet sister-in-law, came over to stay with Jackson and we were off to labor and delivery!! So excited! Still in disbelief, but better in the hospital than giving birth at home;)
Once we got to the hospital, they determined I was in labor. So, we started an epidural and everything else that comes along with having a c-section and our little Kate was born at 7:00am. Can't put into words how amazing it is to have a baby. Even though I had already had Jackson, it still never ceases to amaze me that a human came out of me. God is truly AMAZING and THE creator of all things.
Over the last year, we have fallen in love with this little girl God has entrusted us with. She has developed several names from us, friends, and family: baby Kate, Kay-Kay, Katie-Kate, sweet girl, lovey, or just Kate. She is quite a cuddler and loves everyone. She loves to get in the sandbox with her big brother or whatever he is into. When she stands by herself, she claps for herself with a big toothy smile;) She loves to be held and loves to hold things she can love on as well. We are so thankful for her! Happy Birthday baby girl!