Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Cowboy Fan

Yesterday we went to the bank just to meet Terence Newman, the cornerback for the Dallas Cowboys. He was signing autographs as marketing for this branch. Before he came to the table to sign, we were waiting in line with Jackson. The only way we could keep him in line with us was with a tootsie roll pop they had at the bank. He had it all over him, but we didn't care as long as he stayed with us. Bribery is okay when you're trying to keep your kid safe, right? Anyway, as we were waiting, Jackson broke out into a dance from the music playing in which Terence joined in when he came back to the table to sign. Very cute. Once we reached the table for an autograph, we asked to take a picture with Jackson and Terence. I warned Terence that Jackson was sticky from the candy. He then asked, "Did you say stinky or sticky"? Embarrassingly, I answered sticky. I hope he would not think that I would put my stinky baby up next to him.


Melinda Denton said...

Oh my goodness look at that crazy smile on Jackson's face!! How cute :)

Craig, Julie, Sydney & Harper said...

That's so cute!!

Ashley said...

What a fun day!! Looks like Jackson was enjoying that tootsie pop! :)

the rylanders said...

This is great...he looks like he might be a little football player someday! :)